Sunday, October 07, 2007


in hindu and budhist tantrik traditions and vedictraditins of india triangles are used in all theirritulals. vedic traditions of hindus support inwardmeditation. the person who are outcast from vedictraditions are allowed to do tantric traditions. againthere are different sects within vamachara (left handpath) sects. some sects of vamachara do the pratyakshapuja (outward worship) of energy points in women. gann said there is triangle square and circle. thereis an inner circle and outer circle and inner squareand outer square. triangle is the base point on whichsquares and circle depends. this where the vibrationoccurs. in soundarya lahari(soundarya meansbeauty,scinetists wondered with inner working of atomcalled it as beauty)wrtten by sankaracharya this pointis the centre (bindu) in the form of three dotsconnected we will get a triangle. this is the innermost point in the shree yantra a diagram the mostcomplicated yantra on earth to draw. it isexperimeneted that if ohm is pronounced before amacnine that draws for each sound, it has drawn themost complicated yantra shree yantra.the centre point or the cot on which goddess theparvathi and the god of trinity of hindu the lordshiva enjoys the sexual union. from this union of lordshiva and shathi(shakthi means energy and also nameof the goddess) expansion and contraction occurs.without understanding the triangle where we have todraw we cannot know how to draw squares andcircle,inner and outer. the triangle is the point fromwhere the vibratoin dance mathematically to double seems that for scientists this is eluding fromwhere to draw a triangle, what are the three pointthat has to be connected. in gann circle it is commonto listen about square and ellipses. i believe and seethe evidence that square and circles cannot be definedwithout defining what is a triangle. all are dependenton triangle. every thing markets moves with numbers. they have toadere to the numbers and geometry. there aregraviational cenres constantly moving creates exrtremepoints. and it is to be noted that price time meet and moves from each other.price and time got their own cycles.and they are related to each other in perfectmathematical way. they dance to the tunes of numbers.krishnapvm@yahoo.


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